444 75 74
Çalışma Saatlerimiz - 08:30 - 18:30

Pulmonary Function Test Devices (PFT)

Pulmonary Function Test Devices (PFT)

In the pulmonary function tests laboratory; The volume (volume) of air entering and leaving the lungs is measured at rest, during labored breathing, and during exercise, and compared with the values ​​obtained from the person being tested with the values ​​obtained from people of the same age, sex, and height.


- Those who suffer from shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, expectoration,
- Those who have abnormal findings in the lung graph,
- To those who have been smoking for a long time, whether they have a complaint or not,
Those who will undergo surgery under general anesthesia
- Those who will have lung and heart surgery,
-It's in another part of your body
On the recommendation of our doctor to our patients whose disease is thought to affect the lungs,
- Those who work in jobs that affect the lungs (miners, detergent, battery factory workers, bird feeders, etc.),
-People who are given anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory drugs due to lung disease, and those whose effects are wanted to be investigated.