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Çalışma Saatlerimiz - 08:30 - 18:30

Patient Care Products

Patient Care Products

Medical Equipment Required for Home Patient Care The care patterns of patients discharged from the hospital change according to the state of the disease during the rest period at home. Patients who have to stay at home use some medical products, these are the main ones.

Operated or Manual Patient Bed – Patient Bed

If oxygen need is required, oxygen concentrator or oxygen devices (cpap, bipap, ventilator)

Air mattresses to allow the lower part of the patient to breathe and to prevent wound formation.

Sick diapers or sickbed protective cloths under the patient

Wheelchair with toilet so that the patient can navigate around the toilet and home with the help of a companion

Patient shelf or patient dining table for the patient to eat, drink, and remove social content.

Pulse oximetry is used to measure the oxygen rate of inpatients or patients with respiratory distress.

Medical creams and consumables that prevent wound formation in hospitalized patients.

Wound care products used by caregivers to treat patient wounds. Ask your doctor for advice on products and the subject